About Us

In 1991, Livermore Fire Department was incorporated as an all volunteer privately funded fire department. In 1997, by general election, Livermore Fire Protection District was formed as a Special Fire District, funded by landowner property taxes in unincorporated Larimer County and tax deductible donations from the community.
Livermore Fire Protection District serves one of the largest fire protection districts covering 322 square miles. This includes 28 miles of US Highway 287 seeing an average of 7200 vehicles pass through daily and 400 miles of unpaved roads, in addition to providing mutual aid to another 300 square miles of neighboring districts. LFPD currently has two stations: Station 1 on 311 Red Feather Lakes Road or County Road 74E, and Station 2 on 8017 W. Cherokee Park or W. County Road 80C.
LFPD is made up of people in the community that volunteer their time to train and become knowledgeable in one or more of the following: Wildland, Firefighting and EMT. They also maintain the fire stations, equipment, and apparatus; and are ready to respond in emergencies.
LFPD is the responding agency for 911 emergency calls including: wildland fire, structure fire, vehicle accidents, medical emergencies, smoke reports within our district. We also respond to surrounding districts with mutual aid agreements. We provide 24/7 coverage for the district. Responders are issued pagers and are generally on call when in district.