Contact Information | |
Services Description | Livermore Fire Protection District (LFPD) is the responding agency for 911 emergency calls including: wildland fire, structure fire, vehicle accidents, medical emergencies, smoke reports within our district. We also respond to surrounding districts with mutual aid agreements. LFPD serves one of the largest fire protection districts--covering 322 square miles. |
Enabling Act/Statute | In 1997, by general election, Livermore Fire Protection District was formed as a Special Fire District, funded by landowner property taxes in unincorporated Larimer County and tax-deductible donations from the community. |
Staff | There are no paid LFPD staff members; the entire membership is strictly volunteer. |
General Information | The LFPD Board of Directors consists of seven members who each are nominated to a three-year term. |
Board Contact Information | |
Compensation reports for all board members | No LFPD members receive payment. All are strictly volunteer. |
Committees | LFPD does not use formal committees. |
Meeting Notices | Meeting notices are posted on the Board Meetings page. |
Agendas | Meeting agendas are posted on the Board Meetings page. |
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) | |
Guidelines for submitting records request | |
Current FY Budget | The current FY budget is posted on the Board Meetings page. |
Past 3 FY Budget | Previous years budgets are submitted to the State of Colorado and can be found at |
Most Recent Audit | Posted audit information can be found at |
Past 3 Years Audits | Posted audit information can be found at |
Tax Rates | LFPD does not participate in setting taxes. |
Fees & Revenue | LFPD does not charge fees or produce revenue. |