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Recent Activity (2025)


152/5/2515:39MV AccidentHwy 287Pt refusal by UCH.
142/3/2514:28Medical 360 CR 74EReport of a pt with nut allergies. Refusal processed by UCH.
131/31/2516:52MedicalCR 80C / Andrews Park areaPt with breathing problem. UCH transported.
121/30/2516:16Smoke InvestigationCR 73C / FS181Smoke observed from USFS controlled burn.
111/28/2510:46Fire AlarmBenedictine WayFalse alarm; stood down.
101/25/2522:14MV Accident287 / 45EAutomated crash notification.  No incident found.
91/22/2513:48Smoke InvestigationOld Ranch RoadStood down; prescribed burn.
81/22/2507:21MV AccidentCR 74ENo patients; stood down.
71/21/2507:27MedicalRed Mountain areaReport of a person having seizures.
61/19/2517:03MV AccidentWest CR 80CNo injuries noted.
51/18/25 21:27MedicalCherokee Park areaCardiac arrest.
41/14/2515:29Medical287 MM 377Report of unconscious driver.  LE confirmed pt OK.
31/6/2509:41Smoke ReportRed Mountain areaStood down; prescribed burn in WY.
21/3/2519:11MedicalRed Mountain areaStaged; UCH transported pt to PVH.
11/1/2513:44Smoke ReportCR 80C / Andrews Park areaCampfire extinguished by resident upon arrival.
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